Sample Data
The Minnelusa digital log data is stored in LAS version 2.0 format. The LAS (Log Ascii Standard) format is an industry standard for digital log data, and most log analysis software will import data stored in the LAS format.
Please email if you would prefer some sample data of wells within your area-of-interest.
Sometimes your software might not import a certain data item even though it is included in the LAS file. Usually the problem is easily corrected by using a different mnemonic for that data item. For example, the mnemonic used herein for location, 'LOC', may need to be changed to 'LOCN'. So don't fret, we can easily change any mnemonic to work with your software. (Note: Mnemonics appear in the first column under the label 'MNEM', see sample data listing above.)
We will work with you if a special file format is required for your Log Analysis Package!